
New sculptures

Serpentine forms circle about the studio as I revisit this familiar form. One that is so well suited to my tall narrow working space. Stretching from floor to ceiling or from wall to wall, I stuff delicate, soft, shapeless nylon with cedar wood, plastic and aluminum capsules. These pill like forms are suspended within a net of translucent mesh stocking, stacked within the tube like pancakes atop one another.

They are immediately familiar to me, taking me back of a childhood spent watching earthworms move in the rain. They also take me to the drifting tide- in that middle space between surface and depth of the sea. Like the long armed Zoo plankton that loomed in the red tide feed. They are also unlike anything I know, for it must be that way.

Repeating the form, but changing the materials, from dense to translucent and back again. These are designed to float both in air and in water-defying the space around them. I sleep beneath the tentacles and watch the last light glow upon their skin like surfaces. I continue to build them as I am consistently finding the uniform materials-these ready mades- that I need. The process is methodical, like dressing a child, then hanging these forms up like clothes upon the line. When my supply of materials grows scarce, my interest will too shift to another form to string like beads.

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