
Northern Lights Below the Sea

underwater video Stills from my plankton pursuits in NFLD
It is really hard to try to explain why I can be captivated with the bottom end of the food chain. I have done my best to focus on life in the Grand Banks, and hope my artwork can illuminate some issues for a better future there. The bottom of the food chain is our future as well. It is hard to imagine that all of the red that you see above may be the saving grace for life on this planet. Scientists believe that plankton may offset global warming. My other friend, the sea butterfly is a indicator as well, but they face possible extinction in under 50 years due to the rising acidity in the ocean. They will no longer be able to produce their minute shells. Clione Limacina, my Arctic dwelling Naked Sea Butterfly/Sea Angel that is featured in my video would loose the lesser sea butterfly as a food source; the Baleen whale in turn would loose the Sea Angel/Naked Sea Butterfly. So basically we are screwed. Some scientists believe that if we can artificially increase numbers of plankton, we can turn around the food chain and save our own tails.
If you look at the three clear white shapes in the bottom image, they are Pleurobrachia pileus, or the Sea Gooseberry that have arrived on the scene to dine on the glut of surging plankton.
OK enough for the Easter Sunday Science lesson...


Cally said...

Merci for the birthday wishes Anna. I was so busy getting ready for my mystery trip I've got way way behind with blog reads so I've missed the revealing of the camouflage, planktos and many watery delights.

My eyes are too sore to read the writing but even just skimming the images has been nice, the words will be here when my jet lag has passed.

I hope March has been good to you.

Anonymous said...

Aloha Anna,

We will be leaving Hawai`i & moving to LA Area by June 2008.

Carly is working with screenwriter/director in Hollywood & Audrey needs higher level ballet to progress. Didn't know you were not in Honoka`a any longer. Our best to you!

Clay Young youngearthman54@yahoo.com